Ham Radio
Ham Radio CD-ROM (Emerald Software) (1995).ISO
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Text File
182 lines
Version 2.0
October 10th 1991
W. F. Schroeder
HamComm is a program for ham radio communications. It supports
reception and transmission of amateur radio teletype and Morse code
signals. A converter or modem chip is not required. The audio output
of the receiver is connected to the serial port of any PC/XT/AT
compatible computer thru a very simple and low-cost circuit. Only one
IC is needed (Op-Amp LM741 or similar) and a few diodes, capacitors and
resistors. The supply current is drawn from the serial port. For
transmission the speaker output is connected to the microphone input of
the transmitter thru a passive r/c filter. Audio frequency decoding,
serial/parallel conversion and all other signal processing is done by
the program.
HamComm Version 2.0 is not in the public domain.
The author keeps the copyright and all other rights.
You are NOT allowed to:
- make any modifications to the program
- distribute the program without this file
- take more than $10 for distribution including all costs
You ARE allowed to:
- use this program freely for any non-commercial purpose
- make as many copies as you like and give them away
There is no registeration and nothing to pay.
Because this program is licensed free of charge, the author provides
absolutely no warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable state law.
Except when otherwise stated in writing, the author and/or other parties
provide this program "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either
expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The
entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with
you. Should the program prove defective, you assume the cost of all
necessary servicing, repair or correction.
In no event unless required by applicable law will the author and/or any
other party who may modify and/or redistribute this program be liable to
you for damages, including any lost profits, lost monies, or other
special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or
inability to use (including but not limited to loss of data or data
being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by third parties or a
failure of the program to operate with any other programs) this program,
even if you have been advised of the possibility of such damages, or for
any claim by any other party.
Computer system requirements
HamComm will run under MS-DOS 3.x or higher on any PC/XT/AT-compatible
computer with at least 310KB of free memory. A harddisk is not
required. Because of the size of the program file there may be not
enough space to copy all required files onto a 360KB diskette. On very
slow systems, e.g. 8088 CPU running at 4.77MHz, some functions may not
work as expected or may not work at all.
HamComm will automatically detect the type of video adapter in use.
MDA, CGA, EGA, VGA and Hercules are supported. The graphics display
functions are not available on MDAs since the MDA has no graphics mode.
No attempt has been made to avoid screen flicker (snow) on cheap CGAs.
HamComm will probably NOT run under any kind of multitasking software
like Desqview or Windows since it needs direct control of the interrupt
controller, timer chip and serial I/O hardware.
For installation on a harddisk you should create a subdirectory HAMCOMM
and CD to that directory. HamComm is distributed as a .ZIP or .EXE file.
To unpack a .ZIP file you need a program like UNZIP or PKUNZIP. The
.EXE version is a 'self-extracting archive' that contains all the files
and a build-in unpack program. In both cases the files will be created
in the current directory.
Please read the files README, HC.CFG and CHANGES !
Program startup
To start HamComm type HC at the DOS prompt and hit ENTER. The interface
circuit is not needed if you just want to play with the program.
HamComm normally uses the currently selected video mode. If you have an
EGA or VGA card with an EGA/VGA monitor you can also switch to 43 or 50
lines. Try option -L43 to switch to 43 lines on EGA cards or -L50 for
50 lines on VGA cards.
Many SuperVGA cards have special text modes e.g. 80x60 or 132x44.
Activate the desired mode before starting HamComm. Most cards come with
a utility program to do this. Only the modes where the video display
buffer starts at segment B800 are supported.
Screen layout
HamComm has SAA-like user interface with pull-down menues, dialog boxes
and online helptexts. The menue bar at the top of the screen is always
visible if the program is in text mode. The bottom line has information
about the currently selected menue item.
Every name on the menue bar has a highlighted character. Press and hold
the ALT key and type that character to select the corresponding menue.
The cursor-left and cursor-right keys can now be used to switch to the
previous/next menue. Use the cursor-up and cursor-down keys to move to
the desired function and hit the ENTER key.
Every menue line also has a highlighted character. Typing that
character (without the ALT key) will get you directly to the
corresponding function.
Some frequently used menue entries have been assigned to function keys.
The F8 key for example activates the SCOPE function.
The ESC key can be used any time to abort menue selection.
Help texts
The ALT-H and F1 keys both start the help system. The ALT-H key
displays general information about the program, the F1 key displays a
help text specific to the current situation.
Interface circuit
The interface schematics are included in the online help texts.
1. Start the program,
2. Hit ALT-H to start the help subsystem,
3. Hit the letter 'O' to select topic 'Overview',
4. Hit the TAB key to select topic 'Converter' and hit return,
5. Scroll the help text using the cursor-up/cursor-down keys
and read the text.
Hit ESC to leave the help system.
The operational amplifier (OpAmp) is used to bring the audio signal from
the receiver up to RS232 level. The supply current is drawn from the
DTR and RTS pins of the serial port. The four diodes (1N4148 or
similar) of the receive circuit form a standard bridge rectifier.
The input signal amplitude should be at least 100mVpp. The 100nF
capacitor removes any DC bias. Since the OpAmp runs with maximum gain
there will be a (more or less) rectangular waveform at its output.
Signal processing
The amplified audio signal is connected to the DSR modem status input of
the serial port where every zero crossing generates an interrupt.
HamComm determines the time between successive interrupts and calculates
the corresponding tone frequency. Comparing the tone to the currently
selected center frequency the program decides wether this is a 'mark' or
'space' signal. The mark/space signal is sampled at the proper time
collecting all bits of a character. When the character is complete it
is converted to ASCII code and displayed in the RX window.